CBI - Pacifica Salud

Punta Pacífica

Research Bioethics Committee

Hospital Punta Pacifica, under the initiative of the Medical Director, Dr. Antonio Cachafeiro, achieves the recertification/reestablishment of the Bioethics Research Committee (CBI) of this hospital institution, now called Pacifica Salud Hospital Punta Pacifica.

Since then, the CBI has evaluated more than 30 clinical and social sciences research projects, meeting 100% of the response times established in the policies of this committee in all cases.

Currently, the CBI is made up of a multidisciplinary group, with representation from the health sciences, social sciences, economics, and the general community.

Research Bioethics Committee

Our Members

Cuenta con 9 miembros y la oficina se encuentra ubicada Pacífica Salud, Hospital Punta Pacífica, piso 7, Puerta 735.

Research Bioethics Committee

Useful Links

CBI Pacífica Salud | Panamá

Pacifica Salud Hospital

Medical Research Center

Founded in 2019 with the aim of promoting the generation of scientific knowledge through research in the field of health.

Since our inception, we have participated in various research studies, always committed to complying with the ethical principles derived from international guidelines such as the Declaration of Helsinki, the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Guidelines for Good Clinical Practices, the regulations established by the Bioethics Committee, and applicable local laws.

Centro de Investigación Médica - Pacífica Salud | Panamá

Medical Research Center


Our center has the necessary facilities to carry out activities related to research studies, and our human resources consist of an interdisciplinary group of professionals with expertise in clinical research and bioethics, trained to carry out different research projects and protocols.

Medical Research Center

Research Areas


Medical Research Center

Human Resources

Medical Research Center

Steps to Register as an Associate Investigator

CV (In the format of the CBI of Pacifica Salud), Good Clinical Practice Certificate, Suitability.

Complete the associate investigator application form.

Signature of the semi-annual reporting commitment.

Take the documentation to the Medical Research Center office 627. If logistical/financial support is required, contact the Senior Coordinator.

Assignment of a Junior Coordinator.

Semi-annual activity report.

Medical Research Center

Documents We Require to Assist You with the Initial Submission of Your Protocol to CBI Pacifica Salud

All documents presented (protocol, informed consent, brochures, manuals, questionnaires, etc.) must have a version and date.

Medical Research Center

Contact Information