Executive Plan

Executive Health Plan

We understand that your health is important, and early detection of silent diseases is crucial. At Pacífica Salud, we have created an exclusive package that allows you to complete all the required medical tests in just one day, all in one place. This package also includes medical evaluations conducted by specialists.

In our comfortable VIP offices, you will find a relaxing and comfortable environment.

At the end of the evaluation, you will receive a file with all your results and a medical report, which will include health recommendations tailored to your needs.

Executive Plan

Standard Executive Package


• Hemograma

• Perfil hepático (GGT, AST, ALT, F. Alcalina, Proteínas Totales, Albúmina, Globulina)

• Perfil Renal (creatinina, BUN)

• Electrolitos (sodio, potasio, cloruro, CO2)

• Perfil glucémico (glucosa y HbA1c)

• Perfil de lípido (colesterol, Triglicéridos, HDL, LDL, VLDL)

• Calcio


• Ácido úrico



• PCR ultra sensible

• Urinálisis

• Sangre oculta en heces


  • Chest X-ray (PA)
  • Abdominal Ultrasound
  • Pelvic Ultrasound


  • Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)


  • Dental Evaluation and Prophylaxis


  • Ocular Examination and Glaucoma Detection


  • Nutritional Evaluation


  • By a Family Medicine Specialist

Total Package Cost

  • B/. 1,477.00

This fee: includes all specialist doctor fees and provides breakfast and lunch.

Additionally, we offer some optional tests that you can add to your package:

Executive Plan

Service Hours

To schedule an appointment, please call us at the following phone number:

 (507) 204-8015 /8016

Express Covid-19 Testing Without Leaving Your Car

You are the most valuable

Certifications and Affiliations