Earn miles with our Laboratory and Radiology services!

When you use our Radiology and Laboratory services at any of our locations (Punta Pacífica and Costa del Este), you'll earn 1 mile for every $1 spent. Simply provide your ConnectMiles number when paying for services in these areas. (Punta Pacífica y Costa del Este), you'll earn 1 mile for every $1 spent. You only need to provide your número ConnectMiles when paying for services in the specified areas.

Don't miss the chance to take advantage of this incredible benefit. Take care of your health while earning miles for your next adventures.


*Benefit valid from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. The benefit of 1 ConnectMiles mile for every $1 spent in the Laboratory and Radiology areas of Pacífica Salud applies only to payments made directly by the patient and requires providing your ConnectMiles number at the time of payment. This offer is valid solely for outpatient Radiology and Laboratory services at Pacífica Salud and applies to home laboratory services. It does not apply to services related to "medical emergencies," hospitalization, or any other area of the hospital, nor to COVID tests. When paying with your ConnectMiles card, you will receive additional miles. Other terms and conditions apply.