Prevention That Earns Miles!
Promotion valid from October 7 to November 7, 2024. You will earn 3 miles for every $1 spent on each preventive exam included in the Pink and Blue Ribbon campaign (2D and 3D Mammogram, Breast Ultrasound, Bone Densitometry, and PSA) at Pacífica Salud Costa del Este and Punta Pacífica.
This benefit is valid for patients without private health insurance.
- To receive the miles, payment must be made directly by the patient, and the ConnectMiles number must be provided at the time of payment.
- To schedule mammograms, ultrasounds, and bone densitometry appointments, please contact the Radiology area via WhatsApp at 6112-0477. For the PSA blood test in the Laboratory area, no appointments or fasting are required. If you need information on free and total PSA, please contact WhatsApp 6147-6455.
- The miles will be reflected in your ConnectMiles statement 21 days after the payment of your exams.
- The miles earned from this promotion do not apply to miles or credit points from other loyalty programs: they are exclusive to ConnectMiles members.
- The miles earned from this promotion do not qualify for preferential status (PreferProgram).
- ConnectMiles loyalty program terms and conditions apply, available at the following link: